Illustrating Palau i Fabre
Josep Palau i Fabre is one of the most unique contemporary Catalan poets: Picasso’s friend and biographer, avant-garde poet, essay writter… and supporting actor of the French cinema in the 50’s. 2017 was his centenary and the Fundació Palau i Fabre organized the commemorative exhibition JO SÓC EL MEU PROPI EXPERIMENT (I am my own experiment), curated by Julià Guillamon. The exhibition featured work that artists from different fields created based on thirteen poems from the book Poemes de l’alquimista. The catalogue consists of a compilation of these poems and my contribution was to illustrate them.
The other contributors were the visual artists Ignasi Aballí and Enric Farrés, the animator Laura Ginés, the writer and tattoo artist Sergi Pons Codina, the video artist Maria Padró, the filmmaker Morrosko Vila-San-Juan, and the designers América Sánchez and Albert Planas.