No Tinc Paraules

No Tinc Paraules

“No Tinc Paraules” It means I have no words in Catalan. This book started the book series Libros para niños (books for kids) of the publishing house Media Vaca in 1998. True to its title, this book has no text and every reader gives the meaning to the...


My friend Dirk Dirk Van de Vondel es uno de los animadores con más talento que he conocido y además compartimos día de cumpleaños. En 2008 le dediqué esta animación a modo de...
“Els Quatre Músics”

“Els Quatre Músics”

“Els Quatre Musics” (The four musicians) This is a set of drawings I did on a TV set while the video camera recorded the action in 2007. They form a version of The Town Musicians of Bremen for the great TV show Una mà de Contes (A handful of...
Word in XINAXITTÀ 2006

Word in XINAXITTÀ 2006

  Word (Xinacittà 2006) In 2006, there was the last edition of Xinacittà, the open-air animation short films festival of Barcelona. For four years, the city was able to know the best of the international animation of all times. For this last edition, I made a set...
Tale in XINAXITTÁ 2006

Tale in XINAXITTÁ 2006

  Tale (Xinacittà 2006) In 2006, there was the last edition of Xinacittà, the open-air animation short films festival of Barcelona. For four years, the city was able to know the best of the international animation of all times. For this last edition, I made a set...